Sunday, 8 January 2012

Response and reassurances regarding Foreign Office statement on Nairobi

In the light of the Foreign Office statement this weekend warning of the risk of terrorist attacks in Nairobi, we wish to update and to reassure everyone involved in our trips to Kenya.

The Foreign Office advice on Saturday, 7th January states that 'there is a risk of terrorist attacks in the Kenyan capital Nairobi and [advises people] to be extra-vigilant in public places.'

The overall level of FCO advice on travel to Kenya remains the same as when all our previous trips have been run. It is also important to remember that the trip is located in the rural western highlands, far away from all high risk tourist spots and where no issues have been suggested or experienced.
At this time we are monitoring the situation extremely carefully and as a matter of course. We have been liaising closely yesterday and today with our UK partner schools, with whom we work collaboratively, and will continue to do so.

We are also in regular contact with all those involved in helping these trips to run: the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Education in Kenya, our partner venture organisation in Nairobi, our Elimu rep who lives in Nairobi, and other contacts we have in the country, including the Kenyan Army.

Last October, I sat down with the Area Minister for Security in Nandi Hills who was brought in to see me by one of our Kenyan schools (in the middle of a tea estate!) with the aim of reassuring people in the UK that what happens in the more remote countryside where white people, never mind tourists, remain something of a novelty, is very different from tourist areas and concerns.

All of this enables us to have our finger on the pulse and to build a clearer picture of the situation than what is typically expressed in media headlines.
The primary concerns in Kenya generally at the moment are to do with rising fuel costs.
In the meantime, we look forward to our annual sponsored walk on Saturday, 24th March!
Please feel free to email me with any questions and do also keep an eye on the blog for some exciting updates on our work.
Best wishes,

Edited: The Foreign Office replied to an email from Jo on 18th January to confirm that 'the travel advice for Kenya that was issued on 7th January was a specific reference to information recieved about Nairobi.'

Friday, 6 January 2012

Announcing our newest partner school - and some numbers for thought

We would like to formally welcome Bishop Justus, a Church of England secondary school in Bromley, as our newest partner school.

Bishop Justus is linking up with Greenfields School, a sister school to Kipriria. The head of sixth form, Sally Linton, and four students will be joining Charles Darwin's trip to Kenya this July in order to introduce them to the whole concept.

Charles Darwin, you may recall, joined The Priory School's trip last year and this will be its first full trip with Elimu. The Priory, meanwhile, will be making its third visit to Kenya in June.

(Not forgetting our supporters' trip last October - there may be more of those in the pipeline!).

By the time we break for the summer holidays, we will have taken a total of 88 people on five eye-opening and for some, life changing visits to a small part of Africa that for many will contine to affect the way they think of it.


Monday, 2 January 2012

Township School!

Great news from Township School, a recent partner to Elimu and, as reported here in November, the largest public school in Nandi Hills.

Township had a mean score of 308 (the pass rate is 300) in the recent KCPE exams with a 56% pass rate in English.

Secondary school fees are beyond the reach of some students and their families but Township works very hard to help them achieve as much and as far as possible and it should be very proud of what it has achieved.

Anyone who works in education knows that often it feels like you are skimming the surface of an ocean, that your job is never done and merely grows to encompass more children, more experiences and more challenges which don't always match the number of obvious triumphs, even though they are there somewhere. They happen everyday.

Township is quietly becoming a leading light among the school population in Nandi Hills with its simple yet determined efforts to address everything from special educational needs and HIV/Aids awareness to child protection and the merits of an inclusive approach.

Each of the schools we are linked with has its own unique attributes and contributions to make and we look forward to developing those relationships over the coming year.

Good luck to all teachers and students for the first week back - one term down, two to go in the UK, and in Kenya, the start of a brand new academic year!


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year - and congratulations to our Kenyan partner schools!

A very Happy New Year to all partner schools and supporters!

Elimu celebrated twice - we were on the phone to Kenya shortly after East Africa had rung in the new year, three hours ahead of the UK.

It was both a good finish to 2011 and a positive start to 2012 for our Kenyan partner schools whose Standard 8s achieved excellent results in their KCPE exams. The results were released this week after a nerve wreaking Christmas.

Details are still trickling through but Kipriria Academy managed to send all of its KCPE students to secondary school while Kipsamo's headteacher Julius Kerich reported a 'great improvement' in the school's results with a mean score of 300.65; the KCPE passmark is 300. Kipsamo is still riding high from a recent hike in its English Language test scores and its students did indeed perform particularly well in English. The school recorded a 61% pass rate in the subject, its highest to date.

Mr Kerich wished to thank 'all teachers, parents, Elimu Foundation Officials and Charles Darwin School for the support.'

We congratulate all the schools and will post more news on Township School and Greenfields, and an update on our 'Week in the Life' students Mercy and Brian, as it comes through.

Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous start to the year,
